Re:Monster Wiki

First seen in Day 93, found on a mountain path in the Sternbild Kingdom.


The average Falaise Eagle has brown feathers and is about 2 meters in size. The wingspan of its 4 wings is roughly 4 meters and it can secrete a paralyzing poison from its claws. The size alone is already enough to intimidate lesser opponents.

The name Falaise means cliff in French, giving an indication of the habitat this monster resides in.


Obtained by Rou when eating its meat.

  • Panic Voice
  • High-Speed Flight
  • Wind Reading
  • Paralysis Nails
  • Paralysis Resistance
  • Wing Growth


It can generate a small tornado from its mouth, which can force weaker prey off of the cliffs to their demise. The tornado is also said to change form into a torrent of blades that chops up enemies.


It seems that it's a large eagle with brown feathers and 4 wings.

The average size of a Falaise Eagle is about 2 meters, and the span of its wings is roughly double that.

